Thursday, February 7, 2008

Where Candidates Stand After Super Tuesday

Where Candidates Stand After Super Tuesday

John McCain and Barack Obama should be feeling good today. McCain's way out in front with a delegate total of 613, Mitt Romney 269, Mike Huckabee 190.

About 1,200 delegates are needed to win the Republican nomination. So at this point, John McCain is more than halfway there with some friendly primaries coming up. So he's in good shape.

On the Democratic side, it's a tie with some Obama-friendly primaries coming up next Tuesday in D.C., Virginia and Maryland. So he has momentum. But Senator Clinton's certainly in the hunt.

The Associated Press reports that Senator Clinton has 845 delegates, Barack Obama 765. But Obama's camp says their man has more delegates. Let's just call it a dead heat.

I'm very excited to see what happens. I really hope Obama can beat Hilary. I don't believe she will be a good president. I'm not very surprised about McCain almost winning. I always thought he would win the Republican party.

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