Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hillary Clinton makes tardy stop at Arlington high school

Hillary Clinton makes tardy stop at Arlington high school

The day after Hillary Clinton revealed she had loaned her campaign $5 million, the presidential candidate offered to pay the cost of running school buses past their normal hours after she was late for a rally at an Arlington County high school.

Students and other county residents had been sitting in the bleachers at Washington-Lee High School's gym for more than two hours Thursday before Clinton took the stage around 4:30 p.m.

"Hello Arlington," Clinton said before apologizing for her tardiness. "My schedule got a little out of balance."

A campaign spokesman didn't know why Clinton was late, but the school's principal warned the crowd the speech was going to be later than expected.

Clinton was "running a little late," Gregg Robertson told the crowd around 3 p.m. "All politicians run a little late. Let's just hope she's not as late as her husband used to be."

Around 3:45 p.m., Robertsonl took the stage again and announced the candidate was on her way, and the school would keep buses there until 5:30 p.m. so everyone could still get home.

"Hillary volunteered to pay for the buses," Robertson said. "I think that was nice."

The Clinton spokesman confirmed the campaign offered to pick up the tab for any extra expense the school incurred because of the late bus runs.

Despite the delay, Robertson said the school was excited to host the candidate because it was a chance for its students to be "on the front lines" of the election process.

On Monday, students at the University of Virginia will get a look at Clinton when the candidate serves as guest lecturer at a government class there, according to the spokesman. Clinton and her opponent for the Democratic nomination, Barack Obama, are scheduled to speak Saturday at a Jefferson-Jackson Day event in Richmond

I think it was irresponsible of her to be late for her speech. It was a nice thing for her to pay for the buses because she made the students wait. I have to admit i'd be excited myself if i got a chance to meet her.

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