Monday, January 7, 2008

CBS Poll: Obama Leaps Ahead In N.H.

CBS Poll: Obama Leaps Ahead In N.H.

(CBS) Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has opened up a seven-point lead on Hillary Clinton among New Hampshire voters on the eve of that state's primary, according to a new CBS News poll.

Among likely Democratic primary voters, Obama leads Clinton 35 percent to 28 percent with John Edwards getting 19 percent in the poll. The poll re-interviewed the same group of voters that CBS News surveyed in November. In that poll, Clinton led Obama 39 percent to 19 percent with Edwards getting just nine percent support.
By winning the Iowa caucuses, Obama appears to have put questions about his electability to rest for many New Hampshire voters. Forty-two percent in the latest poll said they believe Obama has the best chance of winning the general election, up from just 11 percent in November. In the earlier poll, 72 percent gave Clinton the best chance of winning but 41 percent of those same voters now say so.

And Obama has a large lead among self-described independents, an important block of voters in New Hampshire. Forty-one percent of independents support Obama, compared to just 24 percent who say they are backing Clinton. Clinton maintains a slight lead among Democrats, 33 percent to 30 percent for Obama. More than four in ten likely voters who say they will vote in the Democratic primary are independents.
On the Republican side, CBS News reached too small a number of Republican primary voters from the November poll to create a reliable estimate for that race. On the individual level, however, John McCain picked up supporters from other candidates, while Mitt Romney lost some of his November supporters. Mike Huckabee’s win in Iowa did not seem to gain him many new voters in New Hampshire.

I am not surprised by the way things are going. I never believed in Hilary. She got too much fame at first and now I'm not surprised that people are starting to get tired of her and lose faith in her. I'm glad that Obama is doing better than her. He deserves the presidency more than her.

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