Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is Clinton's campaign beginning to falter?

Is Clinton's campaign beginning to falter?

WASHINGTON — The thing about clichés is that they're true. A week really is a long time in politics. It actually isn't over till it's over.

Two month ago, pundits and prognosticators, including this one, believed Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination was virtually unassailable.

She led her nearest rival by 30 percentage points in national polls. She was also ahead, though by narrower margins, in the opening states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

And she enjoyed substantial support among the elites within the Democratic Party and the leadership of labour, African-American and women's groups.

Barring cataclysm, it seemed impossible to imagine any of the other Democratic candidates overcoming such formidable obstacles.

Two months later, the New York senator remains favoured to win the nomination. The organization is still there; the endorsements continue to flow - including, over the weekend, the highly prized endorsement of the editorial board of the Des Moines Register. And she still leads her nearest rival by 20 percentage points in the national polls.

But there are cracks. Two Iowa congressmen have endorsed Illinois Senator Barack Obama. Oprah Winfrey delivered tens of thousands of supporters to events in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, where Mr. Obama gave some of his strongest speeches of the campaign.

In those crucial first states, Ms. Clinton's lead has vanished. She and Mr. Obama are essentially tied in the polls, and in Iowa former North Carolina senator John Edwards follows close behind.

I think Hilary is going to lose. Obama has a lot of support, specially a lot from Oprah, and i think that will be enough for him to be able to win. I think that come the elections, everyone is going to get tired of her.

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