Monday, November 26, 2007

Obama discusses racial inequities

Obama discusses racial inequities

Obama, speaking to a racially mixed audience of about 500 people at a local high school, conceded some progress had been made on racial issues -- but not enough.

"On every measure, on income, on health care, on incarceration rates, on the criminal justice system, on housing, on life expectancy, on infant mortality, on almost every single indicator, there is still an enormous gap between black and white," the senator from Illinois said.

Obama said urban areas and minority communities often suffer first when problems spread across the nation. "There's an old saying that when America gets a cold, black America gets pneumonia," he said.

Iowa's first-in-the-nation status in the nomination process is often criticized because the state does not have the same level of diversity as the nation. It is 93 percent white, although the state capital where Obama spoke is 81 percent white.

Clinton, meanwhile, continued her theme of touting experience in challenging Obama and other Democratic rivals. Citing her tempestuous relationship with Republicans, she maintained she does not take GOP criticism personally.

"I believe I am by far the most electable Democrat, because I know exactly what I am getting into," she told about 300 people at a community center in the north-central Iowa community of Nevada.

"I think my political experience of having been on the receiving end of so much incoming fire over the years equips me for understanding you don't take this personally. You can't take it personally," she said.

The former first lady said Republicans are welcome to continue to try to make her a polarizing figure.

"I drive the Republicans crazy because they've spent hundreds of millions of dollars attacking and defaming me," she said. "I don't care. I mean, if that's how they want to spend their time and their money, let them do it. Ultimately, I trust the American people."

I chose this article because i thought it was interesting. I think it is weird that Obama went to Iowa to talk about the racial inequities. I thought it was surprising that there are still gaps.

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