Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Clinton lags behind top 5 GOP presidential rivals

Clinton lags behind top 5 GOP presidential rivals

US Democratic presidential forerunner Hillary Clinton lags behind all five top Republican rivals in general election match-ups, according to a poll released on Monday.

Clinton would lose a general election to Republicans Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, John McCain and Mike Huckabee by three to five percentage points in a head-to-head race, the survey by Zogby Interactive showed.

In July, Clinton held a five point lead in the same poll over Giuliani, edged out McCain by two points and had a clear lead over other contenders.


Clinton's top Democratic contenders, Barack Obama and John Edwards, still hold narrow leads over the Republican candidates in a hypothetical 2008 race, the survey showed.

"It all points to a very competitive general election at a time when many people think the Democrats are going to win the White House," Zogby said.

I am surprised and at the same time glad by these news. I don't think Hilary should win. I don't like her. I want Obama to win and the fact that she went down is good. I think she talks too much trash and she is not a very good candidate.

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